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The NOC announces the state of force majeure of Zueitina port.


The NOC announces the state of force majeure of Zueitina port, and warns of the start of a painful wave of closures at the time of the oil and gas price boom

After the forced closure of the Al-Feel field last night, workers of the companies: Zueitina, Mellitah, Sarir, and AGOCO on Sunday, April 17, 2022, were forced to completely and gradually shut down production, including the following fields and producing GOSPs:
First: Stop the production of crude oil in the fields: Abuatufol, Al-Intisar, Anakhla, and Nafura produced through Zueitina.
Second: shut down the production of gas and condensate from the Abuatufol gas plant.
Third: Shut down production of the injection plant in the 103D field of Zueitina company.
Fourth: The production of the gas plant at the port of Zueitina was shut down and therefore shut down production of cooking gas C3 & C4.
Fifth: Electricity production will be affected in Zueitina stations and northern Benghazi partially, and the shortage of condensates will lead to a shortage of cooking gas supplies in the eastern region.
In this regard, the Chairman of the Board of Directors said
‘The National Oil Corporation is obliged to declare a state of force majeure on the oil port of Zueitina, including all fields and producing stations associated with this port and shipping facilities until further notice.’
“We all have the same eye, but some politicians don’t have the same view,” Mr.Mustafa Sanalla said.
“The NOC has always stressed the importance of neutralizing the oil sector and avoiding the political conflicts in the country, and warned against being dragged behind calls that do not serve the interests of the nation and the citizen, but no life for the one you’re calling,” he said.
“We urge the general Libyan people to form a local public opinion aimed at maintaining the flow of oil to the world markets and taking advantage of the current price boom, all with the aim of promoting the country and repairing what has been destroyed by the wars, and in response to our situation, it seems after all these years that we need more than ever to build people before the stone.” NOC Chairman said.
These interruptions were caused by the entry of a group of individuals into the port of Zueitina and prevented workers from continuing to start exports, which made it impossible for the NOC to implement its contractual obligations.