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Lufthansa Consulting discusses with Libyan Airports Authority its ‘‘integrated airport system’’ project


The Libyan Airports Authority (LAA) announced yesterday that it had held a virtual meeting with Lufthansa Consulting.

The meeting included the head of the LAA, his assistant, the director of the Cooperation Office, the head of the Service Quality Department, and an employee in the Standards Department.

During the meeting, the proposal for work prepared by the LAA on the project to prepare a “national program for an integrated airport system” was discussed.

The project aims at:

  • Evaluating and classifying all Libyan airports
  • Studying their expected growth rates
  • Determining the expansion, construction and development work required to be implemented to raise their operational efficiency
  • Ensuring the provision of a modern and integrated infrastructure for the aviation system in Libya
  • Reduce the amount of spending from the state’s general budget on projects that are not economically and socially feasible.