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Misrata airport upgrade financed by local businesses expected to open within three months


Following on from the recent opening of Benghazi’s Benina airport Berniq terminal, Misrata airport is preparing to open its new passenger terminal within three months. Reports say the construction has reached 85 percent.

Both terminals share the fact that they were financed by the private sector. Benina’s terminal was financed through a PPP BOT mechanism with the locally headquartered bank, the Bank of Commerce and Development (BCD). Misrata’s new terminal is financed and built by a consortium of local business leaders.

Misrata’s new terminal is being built on an area of 8000 m² and according to international specifications. These include:

  • 11 check-in counters
  • 6 baggage conveyor belts
  • A separate departure hall for international flights
  • A separate departure hall for domestic flights
  • A business and VIP lounge
  • 1 restaurant and 2 cafes
  • Shops and service offices
  • 50 toilets, 10 of which are for people with special needs
  • 5 automatic elevators and 2 escalators
  • A carpark for 300 cars
  • All terminals are accessible for people with special needs
  • The lounge can operate at least 5-6 flights at the same time