Workshop activities in the Libyan Businessmen Council

The Libyan Business Council has organized this morning, Saturday, January 1, the third
workshop in a series of economic enlightenment and insights at the council’s headquarters
in the Dat-Elemad Complex. This workshop dealt with modern trends in international
trade such as an opening letter of credits, avoiding common mistakes in their establishment
and the role of the banks in import operations, and other topics related to import
operations. This workshop has been attended by many representatives of the public
and private sectors, businessmen and women, and entrepreneurs. Economic enlightenments
and insights series is a set of training and interactive workshops and free lectures on
economics and business directed to the Libyan private sector. It is supervised and
organized by the Libyan Business Council in person and through teleconference
techniques. Its goals and aims are spreading the awareness and economic knowledge of
many contemporary issues and introducing modern economic theories. The topic of the
next workshop will be “Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies @ This workshop will be held via the
Zoom program, and registration will be opened at a later time.
In the end, we would thank all the honorable attendees and those who participated in
enriching the discussion and contributing their opinion on the topics of this workshop.